Sartorius Pipettes

Adapter for Carousel Stand for Single and Multichannel Tacta Manual Pipettes Sartorius Biohit Family for convenient storage of pipettes
Pipette Holder for Single and Multichannel Tacta Manual Pipettes Sartorius Biohit Family for convenient storage of pipettes
Carousel Stand 6-place for Single and Multichannel Manual Pipettes Sartorius Biohit Family for convenient storage of pipettes
Linear Pipette Stand Sartorius Biohit Family for convenient storage of both manual and electronic pipettes
Shelf Holder for Single and Multi-Channel mLINE® and Proline® Plus Pipettes Sartorius Biohit Family for convenient storage of pipettes
Safe-Cone Filter Plus 2.51mm diameter Polyethylene for Sartorius Biohit Pipettes Pack of 50 Protects the pipette and sample from contamination
Safe-Cone Filter Plus 3.15mm diameter Polyethylene for Sartorius Biohit Pipettes Pack of 50 Protects the pipette and sample from contamination
Safe-Cone Filter Plus 5.33mm diameter Polyethylene for Sartorius Biohit Pipettes Pack of 50 Protects the pipette and sample from contamination
Safe-Cone Filter Plus 6.73mm diameter Polyethylene for Sartorius Biohit Pipettes Pack of 50 Protects the pipette and sample from contamination
Pipette 10-100µl SC mLINE®
Safe-Cone Filter Standard 2.51mm diameter Polyethylene for Sartorius Biohit Pipettes Pack of 50 Protects the pipette and sample from contamination
Pipette 0.5-10µl SC mLINE®