Point of Care Testing

Alpha Laboratories provides comprehensive support for your Point of Care Testing (POCT) needs with a variety of assays for inflammation, bowel disease detection, therapeutic drug monitoring, and infectious diseases.

Point of care testing (POCT) may be performed with or near to the patient, with the result being generated within a reasonable wait time. This means clinical decisions about next steps in the care of that patient, further tests or treatment pathways, can be made very quickly.

Faecal Tests

A range of advanced diagnostic tools for faecal testing; designed for simplicity, accuracy, and patient-focussed care.

Infectious Diseases

Rapid diagnosis of initial bacterial, fungal or viral infections will help to prevent further spread.

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

The BÜHLMANN Quantum Blue® Therapeutic Drug Monitoring assays are the first rapid tests designed to measure trough levels in a patient’s serum.

Other POCT

A diverse range of point-of-care testing products designed to meet various diagnostic needs.