General Laboratory Equipment
Heat, Cool, Mix, Stir, Separate
Our range of bench top equipment provides economical, hard-working tools to complete a multitude of routine laboratory tasks with maximum ease.
Having these close at hand on the bench top improves process work flows and efficiencies.
Dynex DS2® ELISA Processing System
The innovative Dynex DS2® is designed for clinical, research and industrial laboratories that want to enhance their processes through automation.
Hotplates and Stirrers
These space-efficient hotplates, stirrers and hotplate-stirrers feature an exceptionally durable, chemical resistant, white ceramic work surface.
Mini 3D Shaker
The Mini Shaker combines the motions of orbital shaking and rocking to produce a gentle, but thorough, 3-D action that is perfect for antibody incubation of Western blots and for staining gels.
ThermoCell Heating/Cooling Blocks
Heating blocks, sometimes called dry block heaters, are instruments providing a computer-controlled thermo-electric temperature environment for samples.
ThermoQ™ Dry Bath
Innovative Hardware, Excellent Performance - Fast Ramping Rates and Creative Software.
Vortex Mixer
Alpha Laboratories’ variable speed Vortex Mixers combine fast, efficient mixing with minimal vibration.