Controlled Drug Denature Kits for Vet Practices
For Safe and Compliant Disposal of Expired Stock
Vets, pharmacists and anyone involved in prescribing, supplying, keeping records of, storing, disposing or destroying veterinary medicines that contain controlled drugs (CDs) must comply with the law on the misuse of drugs and veterinary medicines. This includes the destruction of CDs by denaturing to render them irretrievable prior to disposal.
Controlled Drugs in need of disposal may present as:
Returned drugs no longer required by a patient
Residual or waste drug, for example when only part of an ampoule has been administered to the patient
Out of date drug stocks
The Safer Options CD Denature kits are a simple way to manage the disposal of these medicines in an safe and compliant manner. Tablets, liquids, patches etc are placed in the jar with the water soluble sachet of denaturing formula.
Just add water
Close the container
Shake to mix
The denaturing formula congeals and dentures the drugs in a couple of minutes. Used kits can be disposed of as pharmaceutical waste.

Safer Options CD denature kits are easy to use, with full instructions on every jar, perfect when splitting multipacks to use in separate treatment rooms or inclusion in bags used for call-out visits. Available in a range of sizes to suit different disposal requirements.
‘Controlled Drugs (CDs) should be rendered irretrievable before disposal, e.g. by using a denaturing kit’
Veterinary Medicines Directorate – Guidance on Controlled drugs: recording, using, storing and disposal
Denatures controlled drugs prior to disposal as required to comply with legislation
Denaturing formula contained in sachet to protect users against spillage
Formula has a bitter taste as additional deterrent to misuse
Easy to use with instructions on every container
Range of volumes to suit working needs 250ml, 500ml, 1L, 2L, 4L
Used kits can be placed in a pharmaceutical bin ready for incineration
Manufactured in the UK