Clinical Chemistry
Assay Reagents A-C
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Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
ACE activity is used as a predictive test for diseases such as sarcoidosis and hypertension. Elevated ACE activity is a risk factor for myocardial infarction.
CE marked applications for most clinical chemistry analysers
Single liquid-stable reagent
Linearity: 12-150 ACE units
All kits include both normal and high controls

Bile Acids
Raised levels of bile acids in pregnancy are indicative of cholestasis. An increased level in fasting or postprandial state is considered a specific indicator of liver disease. Decreased levels indicate bile acid malabsorption.
Assay for the determination of total bile acid in serum or plasma.
Dual liquid-stable reagent
Linearity: up to 180 μmol/L
Open-vial stability: 4 weeks when stored at 2-8C
Serum bilirubin measurement is widely used as a screening test for liver functions. Total bilirubin is the sum of the unconjugated and conjugated fractions, and is elevated in conditions causing obstruction of the bile duct, hepatitis, cirrhosis, in haemolytic disorders and several inherited enzyme deficiencies. Indirect bilirubin is elevated by pre-hepatic causes such as haemolytic disorders or liver diseases resulting in impaired entry, transport or conjugation within the liver.
The vanadate oxidation method for measuring serum bilirubin shows good correlation with the Acid Diazo method but has advantages in terms of low signal interference by co-existent serum substances such as haemoglobin and an extended stability in liquid form.

Total cholesterol level is one parameter used in determining the risk of developing coronary atherosclerosis. Enzymatic-colorimetric determination of cholesterol in serum and plasma.
Single liquid-stable reagent
Linearity: up to 70mg/dL
On-board stability is typically 60 days
We also offer an assay for the determination of High Density Lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) in serum. There is a strong negative relationship between the concentration of HDL and coronary heart disease (CHD) so it is used as a predictive test for patients at risk of developing CHD.
C-reactive Protein (CRP)
CRP is recognised as one of the most sensitive acute phase proteins and is elevated in many diseases with a component of active inflammation or tissue destruction.
The CRP-HS reagent is a latex enhanced turbidimetric immunoassay with a measurable range: 1-350 mg/L
The CRP Ultrasensitive assay provides quantitative immunoturbidimetric determination of CRP in serum and plasma with two protocols.
Standard Method: 0.1-320 mg/L
Ultrasensitive Method: 0.05-160 mg/L