The Alpha Laboratories website has been designed to help you find the products you need quickly and easily and provide detailed technical information to support your buying decisions.
Explore the content to discover extensive product and background information, videos, literature, case studies, references and more.
All areas of the website are open access and you'll immediately be able to view all product details, see list prices for available products, access literature etc.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I search for products?
There are several ways to navigate the Alpha Laboratories Ltd website and find the items you need.
Category Search
Our online catalogue has been designed to help guide you through our product options and find what you specifically require. Use the Product Menus at the top of any page to select the category of product that interests you. Hover over the headings and more specific categories will appear. Click on the sub-category of interest. Once you are transferred to a subcategory page you can further define your selection by using the filtering on the left side of the page which includes additional sub-categories or product attributes. You can also sort a product list to your preference using the sort options above a product list.
Keyword Search
You can use the search box on the home page or in the header banner and type in keywords that relate to your product. Some words may bring a lot of matches so to produce more helpful and precise search results, try adding in an extra word or two. For example, "10µl filter tips".
Catalogue Number Search
The search box will also recognise Alpha Laboratories product codes (or part of a product code). If you are familiar with our product codes and enter the product's catalogue number into the search bar at the top right part of the page.
How do I order Alpha Laboratories' products for delivery outside of the UK?
Most of our laboratory products are available to customers internationally, supported by our network of distribution partners.
We encourage ordering through our distributors where possible for the most efficient and economical delivery, dealings in local currency, language etc.If there is no distributor in your country please contact us to arrange direct ordering subject to minimum order values and specific delivery charges for your country of destination.
What products can be ordered for international delivery?
Most of our laboratory consumables are available for delivery outside of the UK.
Our diagnostic and research kits and reagents are largely NOT available for international delivery. However, if there is something you are specifically interested in please contact us and we will endeavour to help you or put you in direct contact with our manufacturer or their direct distributor in your locality.
How much is international delivery?
If dealing through your local distributor they will be able to advise you of their delivery charges.
If ordering directly from Alpha Laboratories we will need to obtain a delivery quotation based on the volume and weight of the order and destination of the goods. This will need to be paid before delivery can be arranged.
What is the minimum order value for delivery of orders outside of the UK?
When ordering direct with Alpha Laboratories, minimum order values apply to enable acceptance of an order for delivery outside of the UK. The value of goods in the order excluding VAT and/or delivery must be at least £1500, €1800 or $2000 .
Can I amend or add to my existing order?
Please contact Customer Services on +44 (0) 2380 483000 who will assess the status of your order and advise if changes can be made.
Can I cancel my order?
If you do need to cancel an order, please contact Customer Services on +44 (0) 2380 483000 as soon as possible. However, as most of our ‘In Stock’ items will ship the same day it is not always possible to stop a delivery and a restocking fee may be incurred for the order cancellation.
Can't find the answer to your question here?
Our highly qualified team is here to help and support you.
If you have any further questions
please contact us.