
CultureSure® products are produced specifically for supplemental use in cell culture protocols.

Each CultureSure® reagent is screened with mycoplasma, endotoxin and viable cell count tests to give you confidence when supplementing culture media.

This comprehensive range includes amino acids, BSA and DMSO.

The use of CultureSure® Small Molecules is a well-founded method in clinical applications. Small Molecules have a high cell permeability due to their low molecular weight, making them extremely useful in mediating cell signalling pathways.

Y-27632 is an inhibitor of Rho-associated coiled-coil forming kinase (ROCK). Y-27632 is used to prevent stem cell destruction through competitive ATP binding. Now including GMP compliant Y-27632, suitable for use in the commercial production for regenerative medicines.

(-) Blebbistatin myosin II inhibitor cellbiology grade 1mg Wako
List Price
Pack Size: 1mg
(-) Blebbistatin myosin II inhibitor cellbiology grade 5mg Wako
List Price
Pack Size: 5mg
CultureSure 10w/v% P
CultureSure A-83-01 10mg
A-83-01 CultureSure® 10mg Wako
List Price
Pack Size: 10mg
CultureSure A-83-01 2mg
A-83-01 CultureSure® 2mg Wako
List Price
Pack Size: 2mg
CultureSure™ CEPT Cockt
CultureSure 10mmol/l CHIR
CHIR99021 1mg
CHIR99021 5mg
CultureSure® A419259 Trih
CultureSure® A419259 Trih
CultureSure® CKI-7 Dihydr