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Coccidioides Control Serum for Immunodiffusion (ID) Test Immy 1ml
Product code: C40110
Pack Size: 1ml
CE Verified: Research Use Only
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This is not a regular stock item and therefore not subject to our standard delivery schedule. Please contact us on +44 (0) 2380 483000 for advice on expected delivery date.
Product Information
1ml, 0.095% w/w sodium azide Contains antibodies which form IDCF (nearest antigen well) and occasionally IDTP, band(s) against Coccidioides antigen Rehydrate by adding 1ml distilled water Incubate at RT
- Brand IMMY
- Sterile N
- CE Certified Research Use Only
- Warranty Period Standard Terms Apply
- Is product classified as dangerous goods? No
- Does the product contain latex? Unspecified
- shelf life 548 days
- contents Coccidioides ID Control Serum . 1ml
- Type Immunodiffusion
- Time Required 24-48 hours
Storage Details
- Pack Description 1ml
- Shipping Condition Blue Ice
- Storage Condition Fridge
- Pack Length (m) 0.1
- Pack Width (m) 0.1
- Pack Height (m) 0.1
- Pack Weight (kg) 0.00