Mass Spectrometry Protein Analysis

Wako offers a range of products to optimise MALDI-TOF MS, from proteome preparation reagents and digestion enzymes
to MALDI-TOF MS matrix.


Following electrophoresis, distinct protein bands or spots of interest can be subjected to in-gel digestion by enzymes such as lysyl endopeptidase or endoproteinases prior to analysis by MALDI-TOF MS.

Mass spectrometry has become a crucial tool in both the research and the diagnostic laboratory. This is because it is able to provide critical information regarding the conformational and structural properties of biomolecules. As it is an accurate, sensitive and adaptable technique it has become a vital tool for the characterisation of biomolecules, and has found a particular use in the field of protein analysis and proteomics.

Capabilities of the technique include: 

  • Protein sequencing and identification

  • Protein characterisation, including post-translational modifications

  • Discovery and determination of a proteome

  • Protein quantification and mass determination

This information can provide the laboratory with a wealth of data relating to species identification and phenotype, which in turn can be invaluable in providing information for diagnosis and characterisation of disease states. In addition mass spectrometry has  gained a key place in medical research in fields such as target discovery and investgation of drug metabolites.

However in order to obtain the most reliable results, it is important to employ the best quality reagents and solvents for all stages of the process. This maximises data quality, avoid artefactual modifications of analytes and minimises the risk of contamination. In view of this Alpha Laboratories is delighted to be able supply the range of MS products from Wako Chemicals, which have been developed to ensure that the best quality, most reliable data can always be obtained.