Heat Sealing Film PeelASeal peelable foil on a roll non-sterile suitable for PCR and low temperature or room temperature short term compound storage

Product code: IST-104-078LR

Pack Size: Roll
CE Verified: No
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Product Information

With heat sealing, films or foils are welded to the microplate to produce a secure and effective seal. Sealing plate wells protects the contents from evaporation, condensation, oxidation and cross contamination during transport or storage, preserving the costly reagents and valuable samples. Heat sealing creates an airtight and chemically resistant seal without the complications of using adhesives for the application. This high performance range of heat sealing films and foils are designed to meet the needs of the modern life sciences laboratory. With a variety of materials used the range includes products suitable for peeling, piercing, low or high temperature storage, transport and temporary or long term sealing. All products are certified free from nuclease and DNA except where specified.

PeelASeal Foil is a peelable, white foil laminate heat seal film which is compatible with polypropylene (PP) plates.
The film has good liquid barrier properties and moderate resistance to solvents.
It is peelable from -80C freezer and is non-pierceable.
This film is suitable for PCR and low temperature or room temperature short term compound storage.
Seal integrity range -80 to 110C.
Seal at 175C for 2 seconds.
Supplied in rolls for use on automated heat sealing systems 610m x 78mm

Also available as pre-cut sheets 125 x 78mm


  • Brand IST
  • Sterile N
  • CE Certified No
  • Warranty Period Standard Terms Apply
  • Is product classified as dangerous goods? No
  • Does the product contain latex? Unspecified
  • Colour Silver
  • Temperature Stability  -80C to 90C (110C when used with pressurized heated lid)
  • Length 610m
  • Width 78mm

Storage Details

  • Pack Description Roll
  • Shipping Condition Ambient
  • Storage Condition Ambient
  • Pack Length (m) 0.9
  • Pack Width (m) 0.28
  • Pack Height (m) 0.28
  • Pack Weight (kg) 0.00

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